Member-only story
20 totally average things that are absolutely beautiful
1 min readAug 12, 2019

There are many beautiful things in life, be it nature, animals, people, clothes, decor. There are also so many simple things within all of these categories that invoke absolute delight. They make you warm and happy, comfortable and safe, they make your heart sing. Here are my favourite things that make me smile whenever I experience them:
- A really good cup of coffee.
- Curtains gently dancing in the breeze.
- Fields of wheat. Or Corn. Or Canola. Gently stretching, reaching for the horizon.
- Folded sheets.
- Perfectly made bed.
- Leaves falling.
- The first frost.
- The first real snowfall.
- Plants emerging from the long winter, poking their tiny green heads out from the cold soil.
- The first buds on a tree.
- The glassy surface of water on a really still lake.
- Fog.
- Wood, piled up.
- A sleeping animal.
- The rustle of leaves in the wind.
- Fresh bread on a wooden board.
- Old wooden, falling down houses in a field.
- Old warehouses.
- Powerlines.
- Clothes drying on a clothesline.